Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Michal Batory

Michal Batory is a famous graphic designer in France. We can safely assume that every Parisian has already seen a poster by Batory in the street or in the subway. Indeed, Michel Batory often works for theatre companies like "le theâtre CHAILLOT" and created a big advertising campaign for it. What I prefer in his art is his work with the human body : he diverts it and uses it like an object. He uses it in funny or strange positions. On the flip side, he uses objects or food as if they were human. He adds human body parts like hands, eyes or arms.
His posters are a shake-up of collage using objects and typography in movementwords are used like subjects or pictures.The typography is original, funny and dynamic. You could say that Michal Batory changes and confuses codes of conventional typography.
He uses words not only for information, but also to participate in the picture and accentuate it.Each emotion felt in the poster is the emotion of the theatrical work he is illustrating. In the photo (the mouth), you can suppose that the piece of theatre will be about woman and her sensuality.

Michal Battory is a sensitive artist who uses objects and emotions in a thoughtful manner.

You can see a panel of Michal Batory's posters in the site:
